csv2odf Business Intelligence Software

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csv2odf can make a business intelligence opensource platform. You can make reports from CSV information sources with a yield to ods, odt, HTML, xlsx, or Docx records. It utilizes a formatted document that you configuration to control the design, textual styles, and tones. Simply question your information base with a yield to CSV (or tsv), at that point use csv2odf to embed the information into your layout to deliver a decent looking designed yield.

It is an order line instrument and you can mechanize the age of reports by utilizing contents and cron. It very well may be utilized to make bookkeeping pages and reports for LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office Excel, and Word. It is open-source GPL v3 and cross-platform, it can run on most working frameworks that can run (Python is required).


csv2odf is an order line apparatus that can change over comma seperated esteem (csv) records into odf archives. It can create reports utilizing layouts in the accompanying record designs: ods, odt, xlsx, docx, xlsm, docm, html.

csv2odf is helpful for making reports from information bases and other information sources that produce CSV documents. csv2odf can be joined with cron and shell contents to consequently produce business reports. The CSV information is converged with a formatted document to create the yield record. The layout is a standard open record document as delivered by OpenOffice.org or OOXML arranges as created by Microsoft Office.

csv2odf requires Python 2.6 or later. OpenOffice.org, LibreOffice or Microsoft Office are likewise expected to make layouts and view yield records. It can run on any working framework that Python and OpenOffice.org run on, including Linux, Mac, and Windows.

csv2odf has been tried on Linux with python 2.6, 2.7, 3.0-3.4; and with OpenOffice.org 2.4, 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2. It has been tried on Windows XP with Python 2.7 and 3.2-3.4. The CSV information is converged with a layout record to deliver the yield document. The layout is a standard open archive record as delivered by OpenOffice.org or ooxml arranges as created by Office programs. You should make this document. The layout can be an accounting page record (ods or xlsx) or a report document (odt or docx).


On the off chance that the format is an accounting page, the main column will be treated as a header line (Override with – H). The subsequent column is rehashed for each line in the csv record. The designing in the second column cells will be applied to every information cell of the yield document.

In a bookkeeping page layout, the second line needs to contain some information: cells that may contain letters (not simply numbers) ought to have letters; contiguous cells ought not to contain rehashed information or, in all likelihood OpenOffice may combine/pack them. In the event that the layout is a report, it should contain a table that the CSV information will be embedded into.


The table will be prepared equivalent to a bookkeeping page. In the header or footer of the layout, you can embed a [csv2odf-date] tag (csv2odf-date encased in square sections). The date label will be supplanted by the current date.

Changing over to Other File Formats

The unoconv bundle contains utilities for changing over OpenOffice records to different configurations, for example, pdf, doc, xls and so on

Running Faster

Pypy is an elective Python translator that can run csv2odf about twice as quick. The speed improvement is more noticable with huge csv records.

csv2odf Pricing

As an open source application,csv2odf is totally free.

csv2odf Demo


  • Create business intelligence reports for OpenOffice.org and LibreOffice.
  • Produce business intelligence reports for Microsoft Office Excel and Word.
  • Create reports in ods, odt, HTML, xlsx, and Docx design.
  • Convert CSV information into reports with arranged textual styles and shadings.
  • Computerize report age utilizing shell contents and cron.